Accomplishments, we
Can’t do it without you!
We are responsible for all the funds to carry out our programs and maintain the Thomas Baird Homestead property.
Stewardship of Historic Properties
Performs all maintenance projects at the Thomas Baird Homestead (TBH) including buildings and property maintenance, such as grass cutting, gardening.
Assisted the Township of Millstone by writing and overseeing the $336,000 development grant at the (TBH) for the ADA bathrooms, classroom, office, underground electric service, new well and water lines underground, construction of two barns.
Accomplished the razing and raising of the Allen barn and blacksmith shop, moved from the original site to the TBH site.
Completed construction of a slate shed roof over the Baird House kitchen.
Baird Home interior; repaired, painted and staged for show.
Completed slate roof replacement on the Baird Home main roof
Assisted the Township of Millstone by writing & overseeing the $535,000 restoration project at the Clarksburg Methodist Episcopal Church.
Annual Education Programs
Hosts historic reinactors for 6th, 7th and 8th grades at the Middle School.
Hosts 6th Grade Day at TBH; house tour; life as it was in 1800s, craft of that time such as making paper, braiding rag rugs; blacksmith trade, pond study; and growing plants.
Sponsors 4-H club.
Annual Events
Harvest Fest
Weekend in Old Monmouth
Monthly Open House Tours
Rummage Sale
Holiday Open House
Wine and Spirits
Clarksburg Methodist Episcopal Church Grand Re-Opening
Community Services Opportunities
Annually sponsors Boy Scout & Girl Scout Eagle and Gold projects
Works with Future Farmers of America on restoration of antique tractors.
Participates in the Annual Spring Stream Clean Up
Grants Awarded to FMTHRP
Received 2013, 2015, 2016 Monmouth County Historical Commission matching Preservation Grants to complete slate roof replacement on Baird home. $40,000
Received NJ License Plate Grant, Wayfinding signage for TBH. $5,000
Received 2014 Monmouth County Historical Commission matching Brick & Mortar Grant to side Allen Barn with cedar siding with like for like material. $11,500
Received 2017 Monmouth County Historical Commission ReGrant. $3,400
Received 2018 Monmouth County Historical Commission ReGrant. $3000
Received 2018 Monmouth County Historical Commission Brick & Mortar Grant for foundation repairs at the Baird home. $12,000
Trinkets or Treasure—March 3, 2018, See what your treasures are worth! Certified Appraisers